I’m Stevie Calista

I am a Soul Blueprint Alchemist,

and this means that I use astrological wisdom to empower conscious women to align to their unique Soul Blueprint and live on purpose without meaningless self-judgements, inauthenticity, or conformity to the social rules.

It is my passion to speak with others and help empower them to just be who they are.
To help others see their challenges and gifts through the lens of astrology.

I believe as embodied souls
we can keep our feet planted in
the earth and our eyes to the stars so
we can live as we’re meant to.

Have you ever wondered how you fit into the universe?
Are you looking to understand certain energies you’ve been feeling?
Do you need a bit of ignition?

I would love to help you understand yourself on a deeper level so that you can live with more ease.



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NOW OFFERING - A Personalized Tapestry With Your Astrological Birth Chart!

Zodiac Vibes

A sister-company, The Lunar Emerald, where my husband and I design a variety of stickers and t-shirts from zodiac to whimsical nature!

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